Sep 26, 2023Liked by Laurita Gorman | MSW SEP

Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece that was a timely reminder to tend to self and to be aware of the tendency to self abandon. Definitely something I can find myself doing and then feeling the resentment coming up as a consequence. I really look forward to reading more of your beautiful shares. 🤍

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Oh I so hear you! Such a wild journey towards self nurturance. One wobbly step at a time. Thanks so much for being here, with me. It’s so good to connect with other writers who are sharing their stories and wisdom x

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Laurita Gorman | MSW SEP

So very relatable. There are so many layers of Self-Abandonment, much of which arise out of NEED for survival and others that crystalize this habitual pattern due to cultural narratives and behavioral imprints that promote internal separation. I believe into the depths of my bones that Wholeness Integration is a devotional pathway that supports a restoration of intimacy and integrity with all parts of ourselves. We are already Whole - yet we have created fractures in our Essence due to violations and abuses and traumas and woundings .... I am learning INTO the wisdom that these wounds and behaviors carry, the potent communication that these habitual patterns signal FOR me. I am learning to include ALL parts of me in the equation, without the story that I need to heal any of me. More that I need to allow for the natural maturity to occur as I integrate all parts of me into my heart and FEEL safety again. Thank YOU for the powerful share. Beautiful truth, honest wisdom.

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Yes! We are ALREADY whole...exactly. Nothing to fix, do, or extract. But a return to radical wholeness. I love this share and 100% the wisdom amongst the wounds, they always have something to say don’t they? And we get to listen, closely. Thank you so much for being here, with me. And for allowing all parts of self to join. I’m with ya x

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